Saturday, January 5, 2008

Traditional Game - Sepak Takraw

Yes, sepak takraw this time. Guess you had heard this game before, isn't it? Anyway, sepak takraw is a well recognised game in Asia, and was a favourite pastime that was played as early as the 9th century.

Introduction to sepak takraw

Basically, sepak takraw is a traditional game of the Malays, and is known by different names in different countries. For example, this game is called "takraw" in Thailand and called Sepak Raga in Malay.

Singapore sepak takraw national team
[taken from ]

Equipments needed

-a sepak takraw ball as shown below
-a court
-a net to separate the court into two

[ taken from ]

Method of play
Resembling volleyball, players use their feet and head for ball contact.
For more information, please visit this webby.

Personal Experience
I had attempted this game before and was quite a painful experience for me though. As I was injury-prone, and this ball is very hard, I was badly injured when this ball hit me.