Thursday, November 22, 2007

Introduction. First entry

Hi everyone, I'm Wei Yi from Mobile and Wireless Computing(MWC). When I'm free, I will be doing things such as playing sports, chatting online, watch Korean dramas, etc. This blog will be about a project of my module, whereby it is on Creating and Sustaining a New Media Site. And the topic of my blog will be regarding traditional games in Singapore.

As realised, hardly young Singaporeans know much about traditional games. This can be understood due to modernisation of Singapore, which in turn led such "kampong" games facing "extinction". And this should not be happening! Why? Because such traditional games are created by our forefathers and they are represented as a symbolic significance to each and every ethnic group in Singapore! They are also rich in cultural values, which should not be forgotten!

Thus, I'm creating this blog so as to raise awareness of "endangered" traditional games in Singapore and hope you would enjoy, and if possible, share experiences with me too.



newmediascapes said...

So, what are some of these traditional games? Quick, do tell.

Unknown said...

Hi, I liked your blog about traditional games. I am wondering whether you would know where I could get a "gasing" and "sepak takraw ball" in Singapore?


