Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Traditional Game - Main Lereng

This game, Main Lereng, was introduced and initiated in the late 1950's in Singapore by the younger kids. At that point of time, there were very little entertainment for them, thus children in those days come up with very innovative games to keep them occupied, and one of which is this.

What is Main Lereng?

Main Lereng is also known as "bicycle rim". From this, I guess u can deduce what the game would be about. Anyway, a bicycle rim and a wooden stick (or any other material that can support) are used; the bicycle rim to be held straight and upright and the stick to move the rim forward by thrusting it. I will explain further later on.

[a bicycle rim] taken from

Method of play

Difficulty Level- 3/5 (Average)

Just like any other traditional games that I mentioned earlier, it can be of team play or of individual play. Firstly, two parallel lines are drawn in the venue 5 metres apart, the starting line and the finishing line. Just like a 5m race, the first who reaches the finishing line eventually wins, just that this time round, it is not running but using a bicycle rim.

The individual play version- when the whistle sounds(marking the start), the two competitors will use the stick to roll their bicycle rims along, maintaining the upright position thoughout the whole game.

The team play version- played as a relay.

For more information of this game, visit this webby-

Personal Experience

Anyway, when I was young, this game had long being "extinct", and I had no chance to try this seemingly fun game unfortunately.

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