Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Traditional Game - jianzi

Hi there again. From now on, I will be posting about a traditional game every week, so as to avoid confusion and maintain tidiness. Firstly, let me get started by introducing this particular Chinese game to you guys - Capteh aka jianzi.

Introduction to jianzi
Jianzi was developed in ancient China during the Han dynasty. This game was considered famous during the kampong days in Singapore and Malaysia and was well-liked by boys at that time. However, popularity of this game declined over the years as boys preferred to play electronic and computer games.

Equipment needed to play jianzi
A colorful shuttlecock
(taken from
It is made up of colorful feathers, secured to a rubber base.

How to play?
Actually this traditional game is easy yet fun, to think of it. However, all I could say is, it is harder than it looks. Basically, players involved in the game have to make sure the shuttlecock stays in the air. A point is rewarded for every successive kick. If a particular player fails to keep the equipment in the air, he or she has to pick it up and hand it to the next player. The game will continue as such. There's no time limit and player limit.
And therefore, the player with the highest score eventually wins the game.

1 comment:

newmediascapes said...

Do tell more of your personal experience with the games that you will be introducing.